Farmer-philosopher Frederick Kirschenmann's Cultivating an Ecological Conscience is a collection of thoughtful essays about the "ethical and practical principles" of developing a sustainable agricultural system. Drawing on his experiences as a theologian and a farmer, he delivers a series of measured arguments that a shift to more sustainable agriculture is a necessary change. As I mentioned in my Monday Musing, this was a welcome break from the rhetoric some other authors depend on. It is clear that the author is a product of a true liberal arts education, with a gift for elocution (I would love to hear him speak!) and a deep knowledge of the classics. I was at times astounded by the variety of sources he drew on to support his economic and agricultural theories - everything from Adam Smith to Machiavelli. I think the fact that he has read such different works and thought about their connection to agriculture is truly indicative of his passion for the topic.
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